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Give The Gift of Inspiration and Encouragement

When was the last time you smiled? Smiling improves your mood, lowers your blood pressure, relieves stress, helps you to foster better relationship (when you smile, you automatically become more approachable), gives you relief from pain and it even lengthens your life. Even the Bible says that, "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones." (Proverbs 17:22 KJV) This jewelry set encourages you to smile and to be strong and courageous. It would also make a very welcome gift to a friend who hasn't smiled lately. Just opening the gift and seeing the bracelet would cause the friend to smile! Be apart of spreading smiles☺️, joy, laughter and love. Head over to our online store and...

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We're so here for this summer that we created a summer collection called "SUMMER FUN!" Yasssssssss! 🙌🏽😍😁 Have you checked it out yet? We know you haven't which is why we're here today to share with you our summer picks from OUR OWN summer collection 💁🏽. Biased much? I know right! We're shamelessly promoting our own collection and with good reason too. This entire collection isssss .....wait for it....drum rolls please......HANDMADE!!!! Yes! Everything in our summer collection was handcrafted by EVE: The Earring Shop. We are proud of this 😊.

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