Give The Gift of Inspiration and Encouragement

Fall is literally 2 days away! Can you believe that?! Doesn't it feel like if 2019 just flew by? Before we officially step into Fall I want you to take a look at some of the Inspirational Jewelry Sets that I created over the summer that can be used to give as gifts to a friend or family member in need of encouragement, motivation or some inspiration. You can even wear them for yourself! Either way they provide a double benefit; encouraging and inspiring you, while beautifying you and complementing your outfit all at the same time ☺️. These pieces are also unique because they were all handcrafted. You definitely cannot go wrong with that.


There are only 4 jewelry sets to feature so let's get started!


Take a look at Inspirational Jewelry Set #1

"Believe in Yourself" Earring & Bracelet Set

matching earrings and bracelet set inspirational jewelry set

This handcrafted jewelry set encourages you to not only believe in yourself but to "Bloom and Grow." Life is all about becoming your best self. No one wants to stay stuck in one position forever. We must live life passionately and with intent. Intent to become better than we were the day before. This jewelry set is a definite reminder to do just that.


Inspirational Jewelry Set #2

"I Am With You Always" Earring and Bracelet Set

Sometimes you just have to be still and know that GOD is with you always. This handcrafted inspirational jewelry set is made up of delicate, soft colors and some beautiful semi precious stones (sodalite) and it reminds you to be still (quiet the noise around you) and acknowledge the presence of GOD in your life. The bracelet can also remind you of a loved one who passed away. They may no longer be with you physically but the essence of how they lived their life is with you always. This jewelry set will help to calm your spirit and increase your faith.


Inspirational Jewelry Set #3

Be Strong and Courageous Earring & Bracelet Set

When was the last time you smiled? Smiling improves your mood, lowers your blood pressure, relieves stress, helps you to foster better relationship (when you smile, you automatically become more approachable), gives you relief from pain and it even lengthens your life. Even the Bible says that, "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones." (Proverbs 17:22 KJV) This jewelry set encourages you to smile and to be strong and courageous. It would also make a very welcome gift to a friend who hasn't smiled lately. Just opening the gift and seeing the bracelet would cause the friend to smile! Be apart of spreading smiles☺️, joy, laughter and love. Head over to our online store and shop the set! We even have a sale on it at the moment! 🙌🏼


Take a look at Inspirational Jewelry set #4

The Truth Will Set You Free Earring and Bracelet Set

Live a life of truth and you'll always be free! This jewelry set speaks volumes. It encourages, humility, truth and faith. The delicate colors of green, yellow and pink further contribute to the beauty of the set and would look  gorgeous on you when paired with the right outfit. Remind yourself that the truth is always in style by purchasing this inspirational set.

And there you have it Earring/Jewelry Lovers! Those are the 4 inspirational Jewelry sets to purchase before Fall begins! Since the holiday season is approaching, you can buy them now and give them as Christmas Gift Sets to your loved ones. Now that's a wonderful idea right there! Head over to

P.S - Leave us a comment! Do you think that jewelry can encourage/inspire people?

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